- 080 29600051, 9741874003, 8296255444
- info@theappleschool.in
- Mon - Fri : 9.30 am to 4.00 pm and Sat 9.30 am to 1.00 pm
THE APPLE SCHOOL, Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi, No 831052.
To inspire a lifelong love for learning while nurturing our students’ physical health, emotional strength, social skills, and intellectual development along with aiming to instil strong values and encourage a spirit of global understanding and teamwork.
We at Apple seek to make studying a way of life, a tradition while taking into consideration the present global and national environment. At Apple, morals, etiquette, concepts, discipline, values, and culture are instilled in children starting in the Montessori classrooms so they can achieve their full human potential and conquer the world.
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