- 080 29600051, 9741874003, 8296255444
- info@theappleschool.in
- Mon - Fri : 9.30 am to 4.00 pm and Sat 9.30 am to 1.00 pm
THE APPLE SCHOOL, Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi, No 831052.
We emphasise on development of a student to their fullest potential in academics. We ensure to help all students use their skills and knowledge to perform well in school now so that they may also perform professionally in the workplace later on in life.
When a child learns, he or she begins building his/her own identity. Eventually, all the learning builds up to a career that helps an individual. In addition, all the knowledge gained will help society greatly.
Creative play and artistic activity are important to children’s overall development. They help nurture imagination, and also develop problem-solving, thinking and motor skills.
It can be pretty easy to work out children’s interests when you’re watching what they create.Developing creativity is very important as it will help a child to redefine old problems, find new problems to solve, take sensible risks, and follow an inner passion.
School-age children might experiment with using musical sounds to explore their feelings. they enjoy using music to tell stories, and using sounds to represent characters and events in other stories.
School-age children might make their own musical instruments from everyday objects.They can use these to play songs and make up their own music. They can start using musical symbols and notes to help them remember how to play a particular piece of music.
The value of athletics in schools has a profound impact on individuals. Athletics is powerful because it can bridge gaps, bring people who otherwise might not interact together, and provide opportunities not available elsewhere.
Skills like teamwork, leadership, patience, discipline, learning from failure, Sportsmanship, etc., are developed only when children play sports regularly, and these skills are equally important when it comes to studies and management.
We provide a holistic approach to education
We at The Apple School extend our thanks for your keen interest in our school. The Apple School is a warm, caring, family-orientated community housed in a well-resourced learning environment, which incorporates purposeful indoor and outdoor areas.
They help develop imagination,
problem-solving, thinking & motor skills.
We at Apple seek to make studying a way of life, a tradition while taking into consideration the present global and national environment. At Apple, morals, etiquette, concepts, discipline, values, and culture are instilled in children starting in the Montessori classrooms so they can achieve their full human potential and conquer the world.
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